Recently, while watching an online modern action movie and in one scene, when profanity words spewed at the name Jesus, that got me so angry I immediately closed the movie. What’s the matter? It’s just a movie, so some may say. But, majority would be angry if their family members are cursed or belittled, so should it matter more if our Savior’s name being profaned? It’s a matter of how much believers honor and respect Him as our Savior and God. Confessing and believing in Jesus Christ brings salvation (Rom 10:9). Jesus as Savior, is merciful and will forgive anyone who speaks a word against Him (Mat 12:32) for sake of repentance and salvation. It is diabolical plan of the devil to use people and media to belittle and profane the name of Jesus to embarrass and undermine the name.
Sadly, there have been so many cursing and swearing at the His name in movies. But not all movie are bad and some lessons can be learned from decent movies. A while ago, I was watching a medieval movie where there was a scene of a king holding a grand audience with his lords and subjects in his palace. In that scene, the king pronounced judgement and execution at several lords who plotted to overthrow him. But, his eldest son, being upset and unruly was being reprimanded firmly by the king though he loved his son. The king praised, promoted and rewarded some lords with wealth due to their loyalty, servitude and dedication to him. The king exercised the absolute authority to judge, execute, reward and promote in keeping law and order with both severity and rewards based on the deeds of his subjects. The king is obligated to be just otherwise he would lose respect and anarchy would ensue.
People honor and respect their bosses, suppliers and those in authority to gain salary, businesses and favors. But greater honor and respect ought to be given to the greatest Provider, Jesus Christ as He gives salvation, health, wealth, wisdom, and security, etc. including devotion to Him in worship and servitude with love.
Like it or not, in His coming as King of kings and Lord of lords (1 Tim 6:15), every knee shall bow in heaven, on earth and under earth (including hell) will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Phil 2:10-11). For all will appear before the Judgement seat of Christ in heaven (2 Cor 5:10) where He will render judgements; some to eternal life, rewards, and crowns but also eternal damnation to many. Every idle word men may speak will give account of it in the day of judgement (Mat 12:36-37) In that day, it will be dreadful for evil doers and mockers who profaned His name.
So, meanwhile in any day of His visitation, be it as Savior, or as King, He deserves utmost worship, honor and respect appropriately for He can bring both severity and blessings.